Tuesday 30 April 2013


Development has been slow due to Finals approaching. On the bright side, they are over in 2 weeks.
Here is an ugly development screenshot.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Gore, Glorious Gore.

Been working on the gore system today, (instead of studying for exams, errgghh).

Thought I should let you guys know how it is going so far, here is an example of a mobs death. I think it requires more blood, what do you think?

(I recommend watching in HD!)

Friday 12 April 2013

New Member!

We were in desperate need for a sprite artist and Niko came running. Our knight in pixelated armor.

That's right, we have a new sprite artist! You might know him a EpsilonEagle256, over at the ChuckleFish Forums.

In other news, I have been working on the weapon system. Currently we have two different weapon types implemented but plan to have about 9. I will leave the in depth talk about weapons for a future post.

James on the other hand is still working on the inventory, you can currently pick up, store, drop and equip items in the inventory. He is now implementing a way for stats and tool tips to be viewable from within the inventory.

One of the weapons I have implemented is the staffs, these are all area of effect "magical" weapons.

Here is an example of a fire staff, bare in mind the player animation has not yet been made for the using of the staff, so it might look a little strange. Also, the process is in 60 fps in game, but the gif has only 15 frames.  It looks a hell of a lot smoother when used in game.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Well hello thar!

Hello, and welcome to our blog.. pfft too formal.

So, this the official blog for our currently in development game called... (We really should decide on a name)  For now, we are calling it Summer Game, but that game will not stick.

What is the game like?

Well its a top down, survival adventure game with rpg elements and a retro art style. We have written a full GDD and are ready to roll. We are still in very early stages of development. For instance, I am currently working on the talent tree and James has been hard at work on the Inventory.

What can you do to help?

Spread the word! Once we have enough of the game built we are planning on running an Indiegogo or Kickstarter campaign, So the more fans we have, the better funded we will become, and we can then put more time into the game.